Hello, my name is
Priyanshu Sharma
And I'm a
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About me

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I'm Priyanshu and I'm a

Hi there, I'm a programmer interested in problem-solving and developing new software that will add value to the community. As a software developer, I aim to build solutions that can make human life easier in any way possible. I am always ready to learn modern technologies and implement them to current solutions to make them more efficient and robust.

I'm currently working on How to Improve My Skills? Through Learning New Programming Languages, Different Courses, and New Technologies in the CSE Field of Study. I'm Currently Learning Python Programming and Web Development (MERN Stack)

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My services

MERN Stack Developer

I'm , a passionate MERN stack developer with a proven track record of crafting robust and user-friendly web applications. With a keen eye for design and a commitment to delivering high-quality code, I bring a unique blend of technical proficiency and creativity to every project.

Java Developer

I'm a dedicated Java developer with a passion for building robust and scalable software solutions. With a deep understanding of Java's versatility and the ability to harness its power across various domains, I bring a wealth of experience to the world of software development.

Python Developer

I'm a proficient Python developer with a passion for crafting innovative and efficient software solutions. I possess a strong command of the Python programming language, leveraging its simplicity and versatility to create clean, readable, and maintainable code.

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

I have a passion for designing and developing websites. I am always looking to improve my skill set by learning new technologies, tools or frameworks.

I have a good knowledge in C/C++, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Git, GitHub etc...

Know more
C Programming 90%
C++ 85%
Java 75%
Python 80%
SQL 50%
HTML 80%
CSS 40%
JavaScript 20%
Git & GitHub 60%


Contact me

Get in Touch

Your ideas, your vision, and your projects are important to me. I believe that great things happen when creativity and collaboration come together. Whether you have a specific project in mind, questions about my work, or just want to say hello, I'm here and eager to hear from you. Let's start a conversation, explore possibilities, and bring your ideas to life. Reach out today, and let's embark on a creative journey together.

Priyanshu Sharma
Bihar, India

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